Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Techniques for Retaining and Engaging Your Workforce

If your organization is aware of the tremendous cost associated with turnover, and you realize you are losing some of your best people, it is important to assess the symptoms and address methods for enhancing employee retention.

Every 8 seconds a boomer turns 50, and 1/3 of the country turns 50 by 2010. This means that we will be opening new opportunities without enough of the younger generation ready to step up. Plus, finding a job has never been easier. There is no more blind loyalty to organizations. The internet has opened up new avenues for connecting people with prospective employers at a more accessible rate than ever before.

When it comes to retaining your most important human capital, a little prevention is worth a pound of cure. The best place to find talent is right under our nose.

To read more - Click Here