Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Techniques for Retaining and Engaging Your Workforce

If your organization is aware of the tremendous cost associated with turnover, and you realize you are losing some of your best people, it is important to assess the symptoms and address methods for enhancing employee retention.

Every 8 seconds a boomer turns 50, and 1/3 of the country turns 50 by 2010. This means that we will be opening new opportunities without enough of the younger generation ready to step up. Plus, finding a job has never been easier. There is no more blind loyalty to organizations. The internet has opened up new avenues for connecting people with prospective employers at a more accessible rate than ever before.

When it comes to retaining your most important human capital, a little prevention is worth a pound of cure. The best place to find talent is right under our nose.

To read more - Click Here

Step Up To The Challenge: 3 Essential Management Skills to Increase Team Performance

I’m sure you’re wondering, “Why should I listen to this person. What does she have to tell me that I haven’t already heard or already know.”

My name is Susan Cullen. I am the President of Quantum Learning Solutions, Inc. and have been in the training industry for the past 18 years. Our focus has been to provide organizations with the most critical communication skills managers can use to significantly increase employee productivity and performance. Over the years, I have found that the three basic skills every manager needs to motivate and develop their staff are:
  • To Understand Individual Differences and Motivations

  • To Hire the Right Person to Start With, and

  • To Coach and Develop Your Staff on a Regular, Consistent Basis

To Read More Click Here

Upcoming Events - Free Webinars

How To Improve Management Coaching Skills for Dramatic Results

This is a FREE online instructor-led session that will answer the question: How do we develop managers who can coach employees to get results? And how can we create a culture where employees are engaged and committed to excellence?

Each participant shall be provided with a complimentary copy of our online self-paced course “Managing Performance Discussions".

DATE: Wednesday, June 25, 2008
TIME: 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET / 11:00 - 12:00 PM CT / 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM PT
LOCATION: Online Webinar

Retention - Building an Engaged Workforce

In this online instructor-led session we will address: Is your organization looking for ways to reduce your turnover costs? Would you like to identify a highly effective, virtual training resource to enhance your retention efforts?

Each participant shall be provided with a complimentary copy of our online self-paced course entitled “Behavioral Interviewing ”, which is part of our Retention e-learning library.

DATES: Wednesday, August 6 and Thursday, August 14
TIME: 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET / 12:00 - 1:00 PM CT / 10:00 - 11:00 AM PT
LOCATION: Online Webinar