Tuesday, April 05, 2005

How To Conduct Effective Meetings

By Susan Cullen

Before you call your next meeting, the FIRST step is to decide if it is really essential. To determine that, ask yourself the following:

  • Is this meeting essential?
  • Can we do without it?
  • Can we accomplish the task without a meeting?
  • Can it wait another week?
  • Can we get things done with few meetings?

Then, if you have decided a meeting is the best way to accomplish your objective, the following tips can help you conduct more effective meetings:

  1. Start and end meetings on time. Make sure everyone knows what time you are to start and to end. If you have an ending time, you will find your time is more productive in the time allotted.

  2. Have an open agenda on the chalkboard or flipchart. Participants can add an item before the meeting. However, they must be prepared to lead the discussion if they put an item on the agenda.

  3. If an item isn’t on the open agenda, reschedule it for discussion at a later time.

  4. Give each item on the agenda a time limit. If action or discussion cannot be completed during the allotted time, it must be delayed until the end of the meeting.

  5. After all agenda items have been discussed, address the delayed items and estimate how long it will take to discuss them. Decide if the item can be discussed today or needs further action before a decision can be made.

  6. Any delayed item should be the first item on the next open agenda.

  7. Summarize and record action items before adjourning the meeting. Identify who is responsible for which action.

Susan Cullen is President of Quantum Learning Solutions, Inc., based in New Jersey. She has over 15 years experience in Organizational Development and is considered an expert in the use of blended learning methodologies for lasting organizational change. For more information go to http://www.quantumlearn.com or you can reach us at (800) 683-0681.

Leadership: Wisdom of the Ages

By Susan Cullen

If you gather 100 experienced leaders together to share with you their most important secrets for success, you probably wouldn’t hear a lot of academic theory or jargon. Instead, this is a good idea of what you’d hear:

1) Put ethics first. If you make unethical decisions for short-term gain, you will lose in the end. Let your principles guide you in the many decisions you must make regarding business practices and people. You will regret it if you don’t.

2) Surround yourself with the best people you can find. If you are able to attract the brightest, most dedicated, most talented people, they will move your organization forward. Leverage their skills, ideas and creativity… your people are your greatest asset.

3) Show your staff you value them personally. Research shows the personal relationship with a direct manager is the key for retaining your best and your brightest. Don’t ever withhold your praise. Tell them why you value them and recognize their contributions.

4) Be trustworthy. Be fair in your dealings with others. Don’t show favoritism. Remember you must always walk your talk. Your actions speak louder than your words. Don’t ask others to do what you can’t or won’t do. You can’t lead if others don’t trust you.

5) Develop Win-Win-Win Solutions. Your company will only grow if you can provide valuable services that help your clients succeed. In the meantime, you must help your staff achieve their goals, and the organization must grow. A win-win-win approach means you create solutions and services that support the best interests of your client, your staff and your company. If one of these elements is missing, your business won’t grow. Don’t try to shortchange one element to the benefit of the other.

Susan Cullen is President of Quantum Learning Solutions, Inc., based in New Jersey. She has over 15 years experience in Organizational Development and is considered an expert in the use of blended learning methodologies for lasting organizational change. For more information go to http://www.quantumlearn.com or you can reach us at (800) 683-0681.

What's Your Client's Style?

By Susan Cullen

When it comes to effective selling, one simple fact never changes: Selling is a relationship business. You already know all about your company’s products and services – and you’ve learned the fundamental aspects of the sales cycle.

But have you ever asked yourself … What helps one salesperson develop immediate rapport with prospects, and not others? What is he or she doing that is leading to long-term client relationships? How can I learn to do the same thing?

Research shows that prospects are more likely to buy when they unconsciously trust, and feel at ease with, the salesperson. They are more willing to open up and provide information critical to closing the sale. It appears that they are almost “helping” you make the sale, as opposed to fighting you in the process.

So how do you build this rapport?


The first key is to recognize that different behavioral styles do exist among prospects. You’ve probably seen from your own experience how one sales approach worked great with one person, yet you got a very different reaction from someone else.

Behavioral styles impact:

· How a prospect wants you to sell to them.
· How a prospect wants you to present information.
· How much information you present.
· How a prospect makes buying decisions.

The same approach won’t work with everyone. As you learn to adapt your approach to make the customer feel more at ease, the relationship will improve and more sales will eventually result.

You can identify an individual’s behavioral style preference by using the Personal Profile System® developed by Carlson Learning Company. It classifies behavior into four styles: “D”, “I”, “S”, and “C”.



Your ID, please? “Dominant,” or “D” behavioral-style individuals, are usually results-oriented. They thrive on the challenge of solving problems and making quick buying decisions. These individuals are fast-paced and like to be in charge. They can become impatient with people or situations that hinder them from accomplishing their goals. This is one of the reasons why they’re more task-oriented than people-oriented.

You can recognize these individuals as being fast-paced and direct when speaking – they’re more interested in telling you information than in asking your opinion. They tend to think in terms of the bottom line. These individuals may6 have more formal, “can’t read” facial expressions than other styles.

Sign here, please. When selling to the “D” style, don’t bog them down with excessive socializing or details – get to the point quickly. Directly focus on how your product or service can help them achieve their goals. Emphasize the results you can help them obtain, while always letting them feel they’re in charge. In other words, don’t waste their time. Make your sales presentation direct and meaningful toward helping them achieve their objectives.


Your ID, please?
“Influence,” or “I” behavioral-style individuals are frequently thought of as “people persons.” They’re enthusiastic and upbeat – enjoying the interaction with others in a humorous, lighthearted way. These individuals can appear to be the eternal optimists, usually seeing the glass as half-full rather than half-empty, and can be quite persuasive about things they’re passionate about.

You can identify them as being outgoing and direct, very talkative and interactive. These people tend to speak quickly, use animated expressions, and express their feelings freely. They can appear to be casual and friendly in their interactions with others and love to express themselves in a jovial, humorous way. Sometimes you’ll notice trinkets or fun gadgets in their office – it’s their way of adding levity to the work environment.

Sign here, please. When selling to the “I” style, match your pace and presentation to their energetic approach. Be friendly and sociable – let them know you like them personally. Where appropriate, take them to lunch. You need to provide testimonials and personal stories on how other people have responded to your company’s product or service. Show enthusiasm for the benefits your product or service can provide. Also, make sure you support the individuals by providing whatever detailed follow-up work is necessary; don’t ask them to do it. Make it easy for them to buy from you.


Your ID, please?
The “Steadiness,” or “S” behavioral style, is also people-oriented – but at a much slower pace than the “I” style. The “S” person doesn’t like to be forced into making changes or quick decisions. They’re patient, loyal, and calm, making them excellent listeners and “peacekeepers” when conflict breaks out. Their focus is on cooperating with people.

You can identify these individuals by their reserved, indirect, but people-oriented approach to others. Their speech may appear softer, with an open posture. They will have relaxed, warm facial expressions and prefer a casual approach.

Sign here, please. When selling to the “S” style, it’s important that you listen to them. They need to feel you understand their needs. Assure the individuals that you and your organization are customer- and service-oriented. Just don’t push them into quick buying decisions. Show how you’re interested in a long-term relationship with their company, and that they can depend on you whenever necessary. The “S” style customers are more loyal to you when other vendors come knocking on their door.


Your ID, please?
The “Conscientiousness,” or “C” behavioral style, is quality-focused, slow-paced, methodical, and task-oriented. They focus on the details and are primarily concerned about doing things the “right” or “correct way.” These individuals are analytical and frequently set higher standards for themselves than others.

You can recognize them as being reserved and more indirect than other styles. These people are formal, with a closed posture and “can’t read” facial expressions. They don’t like to express their feelings readily.

Sign here, please. When selling to the “C” style, make sure you have your facts straight. You’ll need to answer analytical questions, showing references where possible. These individuals don’t need you to socialize with them – they really don’t want you to. These people want you to provide detailed information in order to make a correct buying decision. Then they will thoroughly assess your information before coming to a conclusion. Be slow-paced and formal in your approach with them – don’t become overly enthusiastic or animated. Focus instead on facts, logic, and detailed analysis.


Although individuals have the ability to behave within all four styles, they tend to use one or two most often. There is no right or wrong style. Each has its own strengths and limitations. However, there are three key steps when applying the knowledge of behavioral style sot a sales situation:

1. Understand your own behavioral style in the sales environment.
2. Identify the prospect’s behavioral style.
3. Adapt your approach to best fit the prospect’s behavioral style needs.


Most salespeople tend to sell to others the way they would like someone to sell to them. That’s not going to work!

“D” for Dominant

· Focus on “what”
· Provide options
· Be efficient
· Focus on results

· Assume without getting an opinion
· Over socialize
· Emphasize unnecessary details
· Waste time

“I” for Influence

· Focus on “who”
· Provide testimonials
· Be upbeat and friendly
· Handle details when possible

· Emphasize technicalities of product
· Be overly formal or reserved
· Add to client’s workload
· Leave decisions unclear

In sales it’s important to remember this rule: “Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.”

“S” for Steadiness

· Focus on “how”
· Assure client’s buying decision
· Provide excellent attention and service
· Patiently listen to needs

· Rush client into quick buying decisions
· Forget to regularly follow up
· Have an “I don’t care” attitude
· Be abrupt or fast

“C” for Conscientiousness

· Focus on “why”
· Use a logical approach
· Answer questions accurately
· Provide evidence of quality

· Be overly enthusiastic or social
· Be unprepared or lack product knowledge
· Appear disorganized
· Rush decision-making

Susan Cullen is President of Quantum Learning Solutions, Inc., based in New Jersey. She speaks on the topic of “People Literacy” and is a distributor for Inscape Publishing, publishers of the Personal Profile Systemâ. She has over 15 years experience in Organizational Development and is considered an expert in the use of blended learning methodologies for lasting organizational change. For more information go to http://www.quantumlearn.com or you can reach us at (800) 683-0681.